Medical Billing Schools By State

Medical billing and coding

What Are The Medical Billing & Coding Training and Degree Requirements?

You can begin your career in medical billing and coding sooner than you think.  With your associate degree from any community college or online school in hand, you can begin an accelerated online program to earn a technical degree in Medical Records and Health Information.  In just a few short months of online training you’ll have your specialized degree in Medical Records Billing & Coding!

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Medical Billing & Coding Certification By State

The next step is to test and register with the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) or The American Academy of Professional Coders to find relevant certification in your area pertaining to your specific career goals. Many prospective students can also look into additional certification in specified areas such as the RHIT certification (Registered Health Information Technician). And that’s it!  From there you’ll begin your career in this exciting and highly demanded profession.

Get your career started with online medical records and health information training today!