Medical Billing & Coding Job Training

Medical Billing & Coding Training

Training for Medical Billers and Coders is different; depending on what path you take. However, as we’ve stated earlier, many professionals are both Medical Billers and Coders. For both, there are a number of aspects that are equally important. These would include a firm grasp of the medical terminology used throughout the industry. On top of this, knowledge of human anatomy and physiology is important, as most claims include specific information regarding a patient’s body. Without this knowledge, Medical Billers and Coders would know have a firm grasp on the meaning behind the forms they are responsible for coding and subsequently responsible for billing.

Another important area is pathology. This includes knowledge of standard diseases terminology and a basic understanding of disease trending for public health concerns including influenza, hepatitis, tuberculosis and other hazards routinely cared for.

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At the other end of the spectrum is a technical aptitude. Medical Billers and Coders must be able to learn and become proficient in a number of computer applications, as well as accounting and data entry programs. Typing and computer literacy is a must. Common coding and billing programs include CPT and ICD-9-CM coding, both created to standardize medical billing applications from services provided by doctors to patient billing. Additionally, a knowledge of healthcare law is important.

  1. 1. CPT / ICD-9-CM Coding
  2. 2. Up To Date Health Care Laws & Regulations
  3. 3. Health Care Administration / Management
  4. 4. Up To Date Health Insurance Policy Changes


What Does It Take To Be Successful?

The number one aspect of a good Medical Biller OR Coder is attention to detail. Accuracy and organization are two important traits that you will find in any successful professionals in today’s Medical Billing and Coding industries. When coding, filing or billing a patient claim, it is extremely important to prepare each claim with the correct procedures and costs to avoid any confusion, rejections or delays with the insurance company or party responsible for payment. Avoiding confusion is the key to the entire complicated health care claims process. Candidates for a position in Billing or Coding generally did well in high school or college courses in mathematics, health and other science courses and various computer science or literacy courses. Medical Billers and Coders carry a responsibility to each patient they work on behalf of in order to get their claim right and in a timely manner.

The following list was put together by actual medical billers and coders from a number of surveys identifying some of the most important aspects of the job:

  • Up To Date Medical & Insurance Terminology
  • The Health Insurance Claims Process
  • Knowledge Of All Necessary Forms
  • Basic Accounting & Financial Controls
  • Basic Office Administration


Continuing Education

Health care laws, rules and regulations are constantly changing. Never more so than right now, as Obama Care is changing the way we do business in the health care industry. Continuing education for Medical Billers and Coders is important in order to keep these professionals up to date and on top of any change they may face during their day-to-day tasks. Although much of the new information presented will be ‘on the job’, there are an abundance of seminars, many times online these days, as well as workshops and conferences where industry professionals can meet to discuss and teach the latest information.

Many times a Biller or Coder’s employer will cover the costs of these continuing education workshops. looked into a number of these workshops and found that the costs vary depending on location and scheduled content. Which programs an individual decides to follow will depend on the types of work he or she is responsible for doing in his or her respective professional location. See more on our page of Continuing Education programs.