Category Archives: Uncategorized

Blue Cross Blue Shield Association

If not already a familiar name, the medical billing and coding professional will surely encounter the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association at some point in their career, and will do well to know some basic details about the BCBSA. Formed …

Three Largest Healthcare Providers in the Nation

If medical billing and coding professionals do not already work for one of the three largest healthcare providers in the nation, chances are that at some point in their career they will cross paths with one. Collectively these companies account …

The American Medical Association – AMA

The American Medical Association (AMA) is one of the most influential organizations in the health care industry, and the largest organization of physicians and medical students in the United States. According to its mission statement, the AMA’s chief goal is …

ICD-10 Implementation Delayed One Year

In a controversial move for the medical billing and coding profession, the president signed a bill into law that would delay the implementation of the ICD-10. This was no April fools joke. Known as the Protecting Access to Medicare Act …

Current Procedural Terminology (CPT)

All billing and coding professionals will inevitably come across the term CPT, which refers to Current Procedural Terminology. CPT was and is developed by the American Medical Association (AMA) and is used today by all the major players in the …