Medical Billing and Coding in South Carolina

Medical Billing and codings

Recent statistics show that the health care and social assistance sector of South Carolina’s economy is the fourth-largest employer in the state, behind retail trade, manufacturing, and accommodation & food services, according to a report published by the Research Division of the South Carolina Department of Commerce. However through 2016 the healthcare support field is projected to experience the most growth of any sector in the economy, increasing by 27 percent.

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A significant portion of the healthcare support field is comprised of medical billing and coding professionals, who are part of this segment of the economy that has grown by over 50 percent in the preceding 10 years and will continue growing for at least the next several decades, driven by population age demographics and increasing levels of insurance coverage.

Due to the rising demand, population, and retiring professionals in the field, the number of qualified medical billing and coding professionals in South Carolina is also expected to significantly increase in the next twenty years from the current 840 employees currently working statewide. The location of the increase will have a larger concentration in population centers, although rural areas will also experience significant jobs numbers growth in this field.

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Major Medical Billing and Coding Employers in South Carolina

Most medical billing and coding professionals work on-site at hospitals, clinics, and health centers across the state. Some of the major employers include: 

  • Lexington Medical Center in Columbia
  • The Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston
  • South Carolina Center for Behavioral Health in North Charleston
  • Visiting Angels Home Health Care in Mount Pleasant
  • Piedmont Medical Center in Rock Hill
  • New Horizon Family Health Services in Greenville
  • Murray Community Medical Clinic in Summerville
  • Tuomy Healthcare System in Sumter

When researching medical billing and coding job vacancies, candidates will find that most require a combination of education and experience. Being able to meet the field’s requirements is an important part of preparing for a long-term successful career. Prospective medical billing and coding professionals will find a variety of resources in South Carolina that will assist them in beginning their education process.


Choosing the Right Medical Billing and Coding Education

There are at least nine educational institutions located in South Carolina’s vicinity offering courses in medical billing and coding. These include:

  • Technical colleges offering a medical coding certificate in three semesters
  • Training, diplomas, and associate degrees offered by colleges
  • Associate’s degree with a specialization in medical billing and coding offered through technical colleges
  • Four-year bachelor degrees from universities that include medical coding and billing

Candidates who are uncertain about their future plans may consider a diploma or certificate in a medical billing and coding program, whereas those who are interested in having a greater level of career mobility may wish to consider a degree program.

Either way, because of the projected growth in the medical billing and coding field there will undoubtedly be many great opportunities for any dedicated employee working in this sector.


Medical Billers and Coders in South Carolina with highest pay in medical industry

A novel career has the ability to guide in an entire new way of life. It might reveal new doors and promote to a new universe of potentials. With the best medical profession rising at such a fast pace, the best time is now to become a medical biller and coder. This type of career is in endless demand with a lot of job opening opportunities day to day. The future is correct there for the obtaining as the life of a medical biller or coder is perfect within range.


Overview of Medical Billers and Coders

The medical billing and medical coding jobs are dissimilar from one another and it has won responsibilities, processes and duties. A person can do both jobs, even though not entire health care facilities allocate both tasks to only one individual. There are many individual medical billing and medical coding jobs presented all over South Carolina.

Medical billers are quite responsible for providing insurance claims to make sure a health care facility gets remunerated for all the services it offers to patients. Furthermore, South Carolina medical billers response patient investigations, mainly when it comes to their serving of responsible expenses. That can also lead to determining problems patients have with their privileges.

Medical billers also manage insurance corporations in the billing procedure by following up on owing claims. There are some cases when medical billers essentially have to resubmit claims. Patient bills that are not enclosed by third-party insurance carters are also equipped by medical billers. That can lead to fix the payment plans and mentioning patients to assortments consequently of owing claims.

As of all that a South Carolina medical billing occupation involves, medical billers should be detail-oriented and well-informed when it comes to insurance strategies. Strong data entry and math skills are an advantageous and there is also the necessity for sound writing and communication skills. The behaviors of the occupation also need South Carolina medical billers to be worthy multi-taskers.

Medical Coders in South Carolina offer the correct codes that medical billers utilize in the billing procedure. Each analysis, process and service offered to a patient is characterized on a claim by a distinct code. It depends on medical coders to have a knack of all the diverse codes and subcodes as well as the ICD (International Classification of Diseases).

Medical coders allocate these codes to services that have been recognized in medical accounts. It is their occupation to take these printed medical reports and interpret them into a sequence of the correct codes. Specialists don’t have the time to allocate codes throughout their hectic workdays, so their reports are given to medical coders. The core job of South Carolina medical coders is to interpret all of those services into codes.

That high job demands robust autonomous skills and the potential to arrange. Medical coders in South Carolina are tremendously exhaustive and dependable while leading their work with a high level of precision.


Job Prospects and Potential Pay

The average income for a medical biller and coder in South Carolina is $35,820 every year. There is the greatest opportunity to get still more as top-end medical billers and coders in South Carolina has salary $54,230 per year.

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Find out more about medical billing and coding schools in the following South Carolina cities: Columbia, Charleston, Mount Pleasant, Rock Hill, Greenville, Summerville.