Medical Billing & Coding opportunities and great earning potential exist in your area of Illinois.
Salaries for medical billers and coders in Illinois are far better than the state’s average and, according to, an online industry monitor, fairly better than neighboring states, at just over $43,000 for entry level applicants. Those with certification and experience tend to earn a great deal more. Take the time to find out what the field looks like in your area. We suggest looking through job sites such as and to see for yourself.
A chart listing the top cities and their corresponding salaries in the medical billing and coding field for the state of Illinois is below:
Job Growth in 2019
According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, job growth in the health care industry in Illinois is expected to be roughly 7% per year through 2020, and as high as 20% for the coming decade. Today is better than ever to begin your training.